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Laws are for little people

An image of the Governor of California breaking the law.

Update: Seems to be some disagreement on the legality of the knife.

9 Responses to “Laws are for little people”

  1. Chas Says:

    Little knives for little people, big knives for big people. Our system is called “equality under the law”. I don’t know why.

  2. Olav Says:

    Californians can have folding knives longer than 6″. So he’s good to go.

  3. dustydog Says:

    Isn’t he in his own home there, the governor’s mansion?
    Knife laws usually apply to carrying in public, not in private. They haven’t banned kitchen knives, even in DC.

  4. matt d Says:

    Olav is correct. Fixed blade knives over 3″ have to be open carried, but folding lockers have no limit as long as they aren’t switchblades (or a number of other odd categories) under California law. Sacramento might have worse local laws, though. I don’t know.


  5. B Woodman Says:

    Yeah. . . I’d like to see that be spring-loaded, and opened. Jump right out of your hand.

  6. Kim du Toit Says:

    If he’s in the Gov’s mansion, then he can wave any-sized knife around. Unlike guns, CA laws about knives only pertain to public carry and display.

    Now, we might split hairs and say that the Gov’s mansion is a public building…

    Cheap-ass knife, though. You’d think he’d at least have a decent Waidblatt or something.

  7. B Woodman Says:

    “I’m come to cut the budget some more.”

  8. nk Says:

    He broke no law. He can have a five-foot sword in his office if he wants. Or a twelve-foot even.

    And, yes, the knife is a Pakistan-made piece of crap. But … you know … all you need from a knife is for it to cut. When I was young, I looked for the secret of steel. And the secret is “Can it be made sharp?”

  9. workinwifdakids Says:

    Seems to be some disagreement on the legality of the knife.

    But no disagreement that he and the CA legislature turned the 7th largest economy in the world into a 3-rd world cesspool with junk bond credit status.

    I hope he’s just looking for a sword big enough to fall on.

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