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Pro Gun Restaurant

If I’m ever in town, I’ll stop by:

Since the legislation passed that would allow people with concealed carry permits to bring firearms into restaurants that serve alcohol, Johnny Brusco’s general manager Kyle O’Keefe has given some serious thought to getting his own permit, so he could carry his own gun into work to make himself feel safer at night as he closes down the restaurant.

“I feel that people who are going to be carrying handguns illegally are going to carry them anywhere they want to and they’re not going to have any regard whatsoever for the law. People who carry legally should be able to carry anywhere they want to,” O’Keefe said.

Unlike other restaurants and bars in the city, Johnny Brusco’s plans to allow concealed carry permit holders to bring their firearms into the restaurant.

2 Responses to “Pro Gun Restaurant”

  1. TX CHL Instructor Says:

    Johnny Brusco’s will now be less likely than other shops to be robbed.

    Libtards will consider that to be “unfair”.

  2. gene Says:

    If a business had a sign that read- ccw permit holder welcome-, then anyone seeing the sign that, does not have good intentions, might decide there is easier pickings elsewhere.

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