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Absolute proof Obama is not a US citizen


BTW, on the radio there was a poll this morning about the birther issue. When I last listened, it was about 3:2 that he was not a citizen. Seriously. The poll on line is even money.

Funnier still, are the comments in that thread. Oy

7 Responses to “Absolute proof Obama is not a US citizen”

  1. Wolfwood Says:

    I wouldn’t be surprised at all if he isn’t, but I also doubt that I could handle the amount of giddiness that would be flowing through my veins if it were revealed to be true (not to mention the horror of Joe Biden having the keys to the White House).

    At this point, it’s a fait accompli. Obama’s doing a good enough job destroying his own presidency without anyone risking falling for a rope-a-dope.

  2. Huck Says:

    I agree that the foreigner in the white house is doing a great of destroying himself but unfortunately he’s destroying the USA as well.

  3. Wildwood Says:

    At this point, though, removing Obama really doesn’t do much good unless you could somehow bypass Biden and Pelosi. We’re pretty much hosed even if he’s ineligible.

  4. Johnny Reb Says:

    Hey, Uncle. Your site says absolute proof Obama Boy is not a US citizen. Is the proof on this website or another website? I’d be interested in seeing it. Thanks. Keep up the good vibes.

  5. Manish Says:

    Jon Stewart

  6. Ian Argent Says:

    facepalm. Really, just facepalm (and that’s not for Robb’s excellent post, BTW)

  7. Matt Groom Says:

    As long as his mother did not renounce her citizenship before she gave birth to him, he’s a citizen regardless of where he was born or who his daddy was. He has citizenship so long as he has never renounced it, and that would be much more difficult to prove.

    He’s Un-American because his state of mind, not his place of birth.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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