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Supply and Demand

I mentioned before I placed an ammo order back in June. It should show up tomorrow. Two months. Wow.

Also, the CMP is running 120 days behind on ammo.

4 Responses to “Supply and Demand”

  1. Paul Says:

    Order some 22 and 7.62×39 from ammunitiontogo and had it 5 days later. found the site from can’t complain on that.

  2. Reuben Says:

    I just got the CMP .30-06 ammo that I ordered April 20 on July 30. 3 months. It looks like it will be another month or so before I lay hands on the Garands I ordered at the same time. Those folks have been very busy over there. They sure are nice people to deal with.

  3. Kevin Baker Says:

    Georgia Arms is now stating that they’d appreciate it very much if you didn’t inquire about your order until it has been in their hands for TWELVE WEEKS.


  4. deadcenter Says:

    my GA order arrived after 3 months 10 days.

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