In my long-lost youth I had a little pistol with a harmonica magazine (row of chambers machined into a block of steel), just like the one pictured at the link but smaller. But no ammunition so I never really figured out how it worked. Somebody did call it a “tear gas projector”. The trigger was double action and very heavy. I guess to move the magazine. It was about palm-sized. Later, as I learned more about guns, I thought that it might have been a Flobert CB shooter but now I wonder whether it might not have been the same principle as the rubber ball shooter.
Mine was bored through, obviously for cartridges, and as best as I can remember of post WWII manufacture. But I never got any ammo for it so I don’t really know what it was.
August 4th, 2009 at 11:58 am
In my long-lost youth I had a little pistol with a harmonica magazine (row of chambers machined into a block of steel), just like the one pictured at the link but smaller. But no ammunition so I never really figured out how it worked. Somebody did call it a “tear gas projector”. The trigger was double action and very heavy. I guess to move the magazine. It was about palm-sized. Later, as I learned more about guns, I thought that it might have been a Flobert CB shooter but now I wonder whether it might not have been the same principle as the rubber ball shooter.
August 4th, 2009 at 2:14 pm
A harmonica gun? Like the one John Browning’s father designed?
August 5th, 2009 at 7:51 am
Mine was bored through, obviously for cartridges, and as best as I can remember of post WWII manufacture. But I never got any ammo for it so I don’t really know what it was.