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Headline: Palin Sighted at Gun Show

But: The former vice presidential candidate, who resigned as governor on July 26, gave a speech Saturday night at the Anchorage banquet which capped a four-day National Rifle Association seminar.

A banquet is a gun show?

5 Responses to “Interesting”

  1. Huck Says:

    “A banquet is a gun show?”

    It is to a lib if;
    (A) It’s a NRA banquet.
    (B) Sarah Palin’s there.

  2. Kirk Parker Says:

    Hmmm, Alaska has way better banquets than we do. 🙁

  3. comatus Says:

    Okay. That’s where she’s been.

    I’m down with it. Restayaz?

  4. straightarrow Says:

    A banquet is a gun show?

    If done properly, it could be.

  5. redmanlaw Says:

    Copy editors write headlines, and you can’t tell copy editors anything.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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