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Slow news day

ZOMG!!!11eleven: Va. Tech Gunman, Sodini Purchased Weapons From Same Web Site

7 Responses to “Slow news day”

  1. Caleb Says:

    I feel bad for Eric Thompson (owner of TGSCOM and TopGlock.Com) – not because he sold these products, but because the media wants to somehow blame him for selling them.

    We’re supposed to be surprised that the number 1 website for Glocks and Glock accessories was a common tie between two scumbags that used Glocks?

  2. ben Says:

    From the article:

    The receipt, obtained by Target 11, is for a Glock Magloader, a Glock 9mm and a Glock Factory Magazine.


    Channel 11 spoke with the president of the company, Eric Thompson, who confirmed the order was carried out in April 2008 with a cost of $46.40.

    He bought a “Glock 9mm” for under $50? Methinks Channel 11 news is trying to make it look like the bad guy bought his gun there, when all he really did was buy some cheap accessories. Lame.

  3. CTD Says:


    My thoughts exactly. They’re trying to spread the “any-kook-can-just-buy-a-gun-off-the-internet-just-like-Amazon” meme.

    Or they are so profoundly ignorant they really believe it’s true.

  4. Justin Buist Says:

    We’re supposed to be surprised that the number 1 website for Glocks and Glock accessories was a common tie between two scumbags that used Glocks?

    What surprises me is that these guys shop around for the best deal.

  5. Laughingdog Says:

    I bet these guys all bought stuff from Amazon and Ebay as well. Those sites must be SHUT DOWN NOW!!11!! We should also shut down any gas stations that may have sold fuel to people that used a getaway car in a robbery. It’s only logical.

  6. PeterT Says:

    We need to shut down food stores that sold them anything to eat as well!!111!!! If they had starved, they would have been too weak to pull the trigger!

  7. Wolfwood Says:

    PeterT beat me to what was to be my Wal-Mart argument.

    Keep in mind that any gun this guy’s companies sold involved an FFL transfer. The federal, and probably state, government said that this person was okay to own a gun. CNN doesn’t like blaming the government, though.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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