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Quote of the day

Chatting last night, Alan on blogging:

People don’t want to read. They want to click links.


4 Responses to “Quote of the day”

  1. steve H Says:

    Not me, I don’t bother following blind links and expect to at least read a paragraph before deciding to follow a link to learn more.

  2. what about Says:

    Well, when what is written is like this,

    “Reactive violence can and does routinely stop evil offensive violence. When you are left (regardless of your sex) on the ground and fighting to win to keep your life violence is the answer…and it is the only answer. And you should not apologize nor back peddle for that.”

    I am glad to read. From:

  3. DirtCrashr Says:

    I’m with steveH. I check the link – and I don’t like links that take me away, so I open a new tab.

  4. deadcenter Says:

    Well, lots of blogs read along the lines of:

    “Coolguy said something I agree with, read about it because they said it better than I could in two paragraphs and it’s going to take me at least one to agree”


    “Coolchick said something funny over and and I’m going to use the next four paragraphs to agree with them”.

    80% of blogs, and by extension blog content, are crap.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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