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Tennessean praises actual vigilante, instead of those made up vigilantes they accuse gun owners of being.

3 Responses to “Consistency”

  1. wizardpc Says:

    And in Sunday’s paper they doubled down with a column by Gail Kerr praising the woman AND scolding the people that pointed out what she did was dangerous and likely illegal.

  2. Linoge Says:

    What? They are presenting a “fair and balanced” look at both sides of the debate. What the hell do you people want?


  3. Tom Says:

    Anyone surprised? They’ve been singing the praises for a guy who hangs around with all kinds of folks, were they on the right, would be labeled as terrorists. Ya know, like when the NBPs carried guns and it wasn’t mentioned but msnbc edits out the “black” part of the guy with the AR15.

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