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What bias?

An article on an air rifle team. With an image of a Kalashnikov for some reason.

4 Responses to “What bias?”

  1. Windy Wilson Says:

    Because if they put a picture of an M-1 Abrams tank with the article people would immediately recognize the bias.

  2. Alcibiades Says:

    It doesn’t even include a caption.

  3. Dixie Says:

    See? The evil automatic air rifles with the shoulder things that go up and the heat seeking incendiary rounds have gotten into our schools! BLOOD IN THE HALLWAYS!

  4. Matt Groom Says:

    My father told me once “Never attribute to malice that which can be explained by ignorance and incompetence”, which I feel holds true here. I can guarantee you that the Editor or whoever picked that picture for the article honestly has no fucking clue what an Air Rifle even is.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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