Archive for August, 2009

August 26, 2009

Black Man With A Gun

Alan Korwin on the the press coverage of the gun toting activist in Arizona:

Chicago’s WGN couldn’t believe we have the right to keep and bear arms out here. I had to tell them most places have RKBA, a surprise to them in their little cloister. “Do people shoot each other on the streets a lot?” They actually asked that. These folks aren’t in a bubble, they’re in a vacuum, they get nothing. “With your new guns-in-bars law, which has created quite a commotion here in Chicago, are there shootouts in bars?” I’m not making this up.

And we all know there are no shoot outs in Chicago.

The Endarkenment

SAT scores for the class of 2009 drop.

Colt says “nyuh uh”

Mentioned before was that the Army had taken over the design rights for the M4. Colt rebuts that statement.

Validation protocols duly modified


Military use

M-16 Still Hot Enough for Marines

Dumb criminal tricks

What’s wrong with this picture?

Tick Tock

Debt clock

Rule four

Be sure of your target and what’s behind it. Rounds from a .50 Browning at a machine gun shoot hit neighbors’ barns, cars and a 4H campground.

On nationalized health care

I’ve often said I don’t want the people who spend $900 on a hammer anywhere near my medical decisions. Smijer points out other great moments in government intervention.

Handy to know

NRA’s guide to interstate travel with firearms.

Sweet Potato Fries

Coming soon to a restaurant near you. I make these and they’re quite good. And fries need ketchup so I usually mix some sour cream, brown sugar, and honey to dip the fries in.


Not sure what’s more interesting about this. The fact that she actually talks like that. That she didn’t know facebook wasn’t exactly private. Or that someone on her friends list took a screen cap an submitted it to a humor site.

Update: Apparently, that was the result of a hack. See comments. Ok, then.


Ex-Student with pipe bombs, sword, a chainsaw, and other video game cliches tackled by teacher before rampage. Clearly, we should ban pipe bombs. Oh, wait.

Deal Alert

More flashlight blogging.

Leapers 200 lumen flashlight with mount and pressure switch for under $50.

AAC Update

Rumors that Cerberus bought AAC aren’t true.

Guns in parks in Knoxville

The bill was postponed. Apparently, there may be some compromise in the works to allow carry except when there’s an athletic event at a park. You know, the same argument about mass shootings at little league games and all that. If sporting events are so dangerous, clearly we should just ban them. For the children.

In Detroit

A near catastrophic error in the victim selection process.

Ted Kennedy is dead

Won’t have to hear about Michael Jackson for a while.

August 25, 2009

A Gun-toting Protester MSNBC Doesn’t Mind

Confederate Yankee: The media doesn’t mind if you carry firearms, as long as you carry their water as well.

Quote of the Day

David Codrea:

Mabell Labe

Hot or not?

FirearmsFax may be a tool to let you know if a gun is stolen. And a convenient registry.

Sam Colt made them equal

Marko: a vote for gun control is a vote for thunderdome.

A must read.

Nope, no bias here

Is this a news piece or a propaganda piece?

Update: It’s like there’s a well-orchestrated campaign or something?

Meet Molly

Here is the blog of Molly Smith. Molly is a 12 year old competitive shooter and there are all kinds of pictures of her in action there.

Mr. Completely tells us that Molly and her family will be attending the Gun Blogger Rendezvous.

Fifteen days until the Gun Blogger Rendezvous

And Mr. C. wants you to check out the nice donation from ParaUSA.

A gun show that doesn’t suck

Linoge tells us about the Mid-South Guns and Gear Expo.

For bugging out just a little bit

I’ve heard of bug out bags. But Go Pants are new to me. Good idea though.

Speaking of Mayors Against Guns

Seattle mayor ousted.

And pro-gun successes in Pennsylvania.

Speaking of California

Concealed carry an issue in El Dorado County:

Sheriffs and police chiefs may demand concealed carry applicants show “good cause” before a concealed carry permit is issued in California. In El Dorado county, supervisors want “good cause” replaced with “law abiding citizen”.

Paperless rifles

In California?

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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