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Guns in parks

The KNS reports that 70 cities in Tennessee have ‘opted out’ of park carry. I’m guessing that in the coming year the opt out provision will be opted out.

3 Responses to “Guns in parks”

  1. Mikee Says:

    Will several high profile prosecutions of inadvertent carry in a verboten zone be required before the state legislature will act? Or will the state legislature look at the cities’ actions as going against the intent of the state legislation and act without a demonstration of prosecutorial malevolence?

    Or will the state legislators look at all the pre-emption by cities and start thinking it went too far with concealed carry, and start getting all craven and cowardly?

  2. Coal Creek Armory Says:

    We must do everything we can to show we are not going to sit down and allow those who still have the hope for re-election use this as a plank to volley back and forth in their coming campaigns. Enough is enough.

  3. wizardpc Says:

    The Reps I’ve been talking to say that the local option might be stripped in the 2011 session. So not next session, but the one after that.

    They’ll have 18 months of data showing that permit holders didn’t kill anyone that didn’t deserve it (read: Maybe a couple of muggers, but no kids on a field trip like what’s been predicted). Then they’ll say something like “Legislative intent was that localities would vote on individual parks and provide clear reasons why they were closing those particular parks. What we got was blanket bans for no reason.”

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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