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Doing it wrong

Hunter getting death threats?

7 Responses to “Doing it wrong”

  1. B Woodman Says:

    Death threats? Ironic? Or more likely, moronic.

  2. Rabbit Says:

    If he left a Birkenstock and a granola bar on his front porch, would he be accused of hunting over a baited field if he defended his home against vandalism?


  3. nk Says:

    Death threats are idiotic but only a sick asshole would shoot a wolf these days. Why? Why? Why? Just to kill something?

    Does anyone think that we have too many wolves? Or that wolves are good to eat? Or that they are a danger to humans?

    Just because you are allowed to do it, doesn’t mean you should do it.

  4. Josh A. Says:

    Yes, the guy who just shot a wolf is the one you want to make threats to. I just hope no protesters show up wearing Three Wolf Moon Shirts.

  5. Hyman Roth Says:

    If there are too many wolves, they must be culled.

    The same should apply to liberals.

  6. Captain Holly Says:

    Dear nk

    Most biologists not employed by environmental groups think Idaho has too many wolves and the population needs to be reduced.

    The current number in the state is around 800, which might not seem like much but is about 700 more than the amount the Feds thought was necessary to keep the wolves from becoming endangered again.

    Science. You should try it sometime.

  7. nk Says:

    Sorry, guys. Maybe I read too much Farley Mowat in my formative years.

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