Show me the money err threats
Via AC, comes this bit in the Sentinel which says:
Guns in parks ban evokes threats
Two officials who support idea get e-mail they deem ‘threatening’
Definition of threat:
1 : an expression of intention to inflict evil, injury, or damage
Perusing the article, I see no actual threats. I see these folks talking about how they feel threatened. But no actual threats. Odd that. And:
Broyles has taken no legal action to investigate the e-mail.
I felt very threatened personally, but they did not say anything that would injure me. My fear was damage to property.
Did anyone actually threaten your property? You just said they didn’t threaten you, which pretty much makes the article bunk. If there were actual threats, by all means let’s see them. And I will gladly condemn anyone who is threatening our local politicians because it’s criminal, does more harm than good, and should not be tolerated. If there are threats, they should not be tolerated and you should prosecute to the fullest extent of the law. But the fact you’ve taken no legal action leads me to believe your accusations are probably overstated.
Just because someone uses harsh language to disagree with you, it doesn’t mean they are threatening you.
September 17th, 2009 at 11:32 am
Jeez on the other hand you might “Feel threatened” because these 2 want to turn you and other law abiding gun owners into a unarmed victim’s for armed criminals that mug people who visit parks.
September 17th, 2009 at 3:38 pm
Yup. It’s all about feeelings. It’s not what you do or say, it’s how other poeple feeel about it that makes you either good or bad.
September 17th, 2009 at 6:51 pm
Overstated? That is generous. Fictional may be more accurate.