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Au Contraire, Mon Cracker

Michael Silence at the local paper on the guns in parks stuff:

The shameless grandstanding on this meaningless topic has been pathetic pandering. And by the way, how much time has been spent by various state and local lawmakers this year on guns-in-whatever topics as opposed to say, oh, education?

Trouble is, the pandering by lawmakers, time spent on the issue, and the bogus claim that it was the year of the gun are all overstated and exist largely in the imagination of Tom Humphrey. This year, the legislature passed five or so gun bills out of how many total bills? Hardly a giant margin. Knox County passed one gun resolution, out of how many? Thirty or so? A whopping 3ish%? Hardly an indication of how much time is spent on this.

Where most of the time was spent on these non-issues was at editorial boards and opinion pieces at your paper. Just saying.

One Response to “Au Contraire, Mon Cracker”

  1. Number9 Says:

    There is pandering, but it is PR firms and newspapers.

    Panderific. Denial, it’s what’s for dinner.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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