Archive for September, 2009

September 21, 2009

Could come in handy some day

How to load a 75 round AK drum.

Obviously, he was compensating for the size of his penis

And not that he’s 91 years old going up against a 20 something year old.

Truck Guns

Roberta looks at the storage issues the feds are having.

GBR Tally

Mr. C. reports GBR-IV Raises $8243.80 For Project Valour-IT


Pics from AAC’s silencer shoot.

Gun Polls

Some recent polls about gun ownership.

Not having plans for Saturday is a religion?

No freedom of religion for Jedi!

Gun Porn

Chicks and guns

HK 416 PDW, with a rather bizarre looking stock.


MG 42

Bad Ass M1A

But guns cause crime

A bit back, we mentioned how North Dakota had zero firearms related homicides and how they had lax gun laws. Well, reader Dan emails:

The final “2008 FBI Crime In the U.S.” report data added one more homicide to ND’s preliminary stats (a 50% increase! 😉 ), but the overall situation remained unchanged; no firearms-related murders/non-negligent homicides in North Dakota in the entire calendar year of 2008. In addition to the two stabbings identified previously, the third death was assigned to the “Hands, fists, feet, etc.” category.

Data here and here. The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Ownership has ranked North Dakota 44 out of 50 in gun control.

September 18, 2009

A waste


And now, a word about a word from our sponsors

You’ll notice over there on the left that Cheaper Than Dirt is now advertising here at SayUncle. And you’ll notice on the right that Lucky Gunner Ammo is also advertising here. The reason I bring this up (in addition to sending a few more eyeballs to those helping me pay the bills) is that it’s good to see the gun industry folks utilizing blogs for advertising. After all, my readers tend to be the target market.

A change in tactics

Joe wonders if the Brady Campaign is trying to change tactics. They used to do that back when they had their intern blogging. Now, it’s more like they’re copying my Why are anti-gun activists so violent meme. A meme I started shortly after the Brady Campaign started their smear all concealed carry permit holders based on the actions of a few.

That said, as Gura pointed out, some or our own worst enemies are supposedly on our side. And, unlike the Brady camp, we call our edges of the curve out.

That’s racist!

Good question. But we all know the answer.

Also, the biological concept of race doesn’t mean much. A good read.

I’d give him a medal

Where Great Britain used to be:

Millionaire faces jail for attack on knife raider at his home

Restaurant Suit

WizardPC tells us it starts soon.

Anti-gunny money

A four-part series from Nemerov one, two, three, and four.

And Matt emails:

I was reading your post today about the press and MAIG. I posted a comment reminding people about the Joyce connection and I decided to check and see if Joyce ever updated their website with the last round of grants. They have… and from their history, some of the new grants are troubling (I copied a few below).

The Educational Fund to Stop Gun Violence
Washington, DC

Amount: $85,274.00
Length: 6
To support its work at the state and federal levels to close secondary gun markets and to work with the District of Columbia on a constitutionally permissible gun law following the Heller decision.

United Against Illegal Guns Support Fund
New York, NY

Amount: $500,000.00
Length: 12
To support the work of Mayors Against Illegal Guns to educate the public and policy makers about the problems of illegal guns and gun trafficking, and for the City Coordinators program of the Mayors Against Illegal Guns coalition.

Legal Community Against Violence
San Francisco, CA

Amount: $325,000.00
Length: 12
To support its Illinois Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence research on changing attitudes toward gun laws post-Heller.

Research to change the opinions of Heller. Half a million to MIAG, just this year. Helping DC write “constitutional” gun laws.

Good thing he didn’t have a gun

In Germany:

Ten pupils wounded after student armed with axe and Molotov cocktails goes on rampage at German school

And how’s that working out, sparky?

George W. Bush:

Look, I know this probably sounds arrogant to say,” the president said, “but I redefined the Republican Party.

Redefined or set back substantially? Tuh may toe. Tuh mah toe.

Congrats for turning both parties into big government, nanny staters.

More GBR posts and pics

NSSF’s Bill Brassard has a report. Nice to meet bill and always nice when industry folks and bloggers get together.

Molly can shoot and is cute as a button. Her blog is here. I’m told she started a blog so she could talk about shooting. You see, being in California, if she talks about shooting at school, she can be expelled.

The Clue Meter has posts and pics here, here, and here. That latter being some cowboy action shooting.

New Gun Products

SOCOM Air Rifle from Gamo gets 1,650 FPS. Wow.

HK 416, MP5, and MP7 coming in 22?

Gun Porn

Para Tac 5

Caracal looks interesting.

PMP Neopup 20mm Personal Area Weapon

Smith & Wesson Model 28-2 N-frame

September 17, 2009

As rare as hen’s teeth

.380 in stock at Lucky Gunner.

Show me the money err threats

Via AC, comes this bit in the Sentinel which says:

Guns in parks ban evokes threats
Two officials who support idea get e-mail they deem ‘threatening’

Definition of threat:

1 : an expression of intention to inflict evil, injury, or damage

Perusing the article, I see no actual threats. I see these folks talking about how they feel threatened. But no actual threats. Odd that. And:

Broyles has taken no legal action to investigate the e-mail.


I felt very threatened personally, but they did not say anything that would injure me. My fear was damage to property.

Did anyone actually threaten your property? You just said they didn’t threaten you, which pretty much makes the article bunk. If there were actual threats, by all means let’s see them. And I will gladly condemn anyone who is threatening our local politicians because it’s criminal, does more harm than good, and should not be tolerated. If there are threats, they should not be tolerated and you should prosecute to the fullest extent of the law. But the fact you’ve taken no legal action leads me to believe your accusations are probably overstated.

Just because someone uses harsh language to disagree with you, it doesn’t mean they are threatening you.

Didn’t know he was a reader

Kanye West talks about my blog.

Thanks to Jack for letting me know.

More Caliber Discussion

This post here on caliber choices sparked some good comments. It also lead to discussion elsewhere and links to some neat data. So, here you go:

John Fogh, who I hear knows a thing or two about guns, has a couple of relevant posts worthy of reading:

9mm vs. .40 vs. .45

Correct anatomy placement is a factor

Joe Huffman’s The Great Bullet Debate:

Do you know how to double the effectiveness of any bullet? Put another round through your target.

PDB has a photo that sums up one side of the discussion.

Also, Best Choices For Self Defense Ammo.

And: Review of criticisms of ballistic pressure wave experiments, the Strasbourg goat tests, and the Marshall and Sanow data

Robb thinks double stack 45.

Of course they do

The media is breaking out the coverage of Mayors Against Guns as the poor put upon mayor v. the big nasty NRA. Too bad the press could have done a bit of research and seen why folks are a bit upset about this.

Bid on a gun from Red Dawn

Egyptian Steyr Maadi AKM Red Dawn Movie Gun!


Tam looks at pocket pistols.

What about when it’s true?

The house rules seem to limit speech and representation.

Speaking of my race card


There’s one black among the Atlantic’s top 50 most-influential commentators. Thirty-eight of them are white males. Hmmmmmm. Haven’t some of them been playing the race card?

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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