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Sam Paredes, of Gun Owners of California:

We think it was a devastating mistake, ammunition buyers are going to be treated like registered sex offenders now.

Via Fodder

9 Responses to “Equivocation”

  1. Chas Says:

    Markie Marxist sez: “That’s a mistake? Just because we haven’t been able to criminalize ammunition possession yet, doesn’t mean that we can’t start registering ammunition offenders. We Marxists are just getting ahead of the game. Just think of it as, ‘advance registration’. Ha! Ha! All your thumbprints are belong to us!”

  2. Huck Says:

    “ammunition buyers are going to be treated like registered sex offenders now.”

    I’m sure that that was the whole idea.

  3. Crotalus Says:

    Ammo buyers are gun owners, and in the People’s Demokratik Republik of Kollyvornia, we already are registered like sex offenders.

  4. Kim du Toit Says:

    Actually, these new laws are worse than anyone thinks. Once they start collecting ammo-buying data (i.e. who bought what), the can start enforcing quantity restrictions (because, you see, they also banned “importation” of ammo via online purchase). Anyone who buys “too much” ammo — not just on one purchase occasion, but in aggregate — could be identified, tracked and, eventually, prosecuted.

    California = West Coast Britain.

  5. Chas Says:

    “Anyone who buys “too much” ammo — not just on one purchase occasion, but in aggregate…”

    They’re already doing that in Indiana with cold medicine. How much is too much? More than one box.

  6. Shawn Says:

    But wasn’t that the point?

  7. Wanda Says:

    “like registered sex offenders”

    You mean the state is going to create a website with maps that show where all the ammunition buyers live? And then they won’t let them live nears schools and playgrounds?

    Isn’t that kind of extreme?

  8. ATLien Says:

    IS there any particular reason you haven’t started a rebellion in California? They probably don’t have the money to stop a coup.

  9. David Says:

    1) We Californians ignore lots of the stuff our Legislature cranks out. Most Californians willfully break several laws on their way to work: speeding (everybody does it), stopping at stop signs (look up “California stop”), making cell phone calls while driving, etc. We’re much like Soviet Russia in that way: getting caught by the State is just a hazard of life; you’re unlucky if that happens.
    2) It’s pretty well known that this law is going to be litigated out of existence before it ever gets enforced.

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