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Aunt B. asks if there’s any sort of rule about determining if gun shots are something to be worried about. I live in a rural area too and it’s common to hear gun shots. Another reason that I only shoot suppressed weapons on my property. Sound suppressors: the neighborly thing to do.

7 Responses to “Neighborly”

  1. Jeff the Baptist Says:

    If you can hear not just the sound of the muzzle report but the crack of the bullet moving through the air, then be very concerned because that means they’re shooting towards you. Other than that it’s mostly guesswork based on how often they’re shooting, etc.

  2. Tennessee Budd Says:

    If I worried every time I heard a shot, I’d be a nervous wreck. I expect it to ramp up in the near future (lots of deer around my place). As Jeff said, if I hear the round go by, I’ll worry; otherwise, just folks shooting.

  3. Chas Says:

    “In some situations you can use firearms for signaling. Three shots fired at distinct intervals usually indicate a distress signal.”

  4. Andrew Says:

    You and Aunt B are acreage impaired.

    But more, It works for me!!

  5. waterville Says:

    Around here, it could be gunshots, or maybe they’re just filming a movie?

  6. Lyle Says:

    In rural areas there is a general rule for this; Don’t worry. Consider liking it. It is the sound of freedom.

    About a mile from my daughter’s school there is a trap range. It is also used as a pistol range and for zeroing the occasional hunting rifle. At the school grounds, it is common to hear the intermittent sound of gunfire coming from the range. You relish a nice, deep breath, smile, and think, “Aaaah, yes… nothing says ‘this is the land of freedom’ quite like the sound of gunfire in the morning”.

  7. workinwifdakids Says:

    For me, in the middle of a densely packed suburban neighborhood, there’s a corollary:

    Yes, it’s gunfire. Yes, it’s a crime close by.

    No, don’t call the police. It’s pointless.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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