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Gun owners still think Obama may try to ban guns. I don’t think so. And definitely not first term.

10 Responses to “Unsurprising”

  1. Robb Allen Says:

    I’m one of them, except I don’t think he’d try to ban them. Instead, he’d simply latch on to any legislation that makes owning a gun so perilous that the average American simply won’t go through the hassle.

    That’s the plan. It’s easier, albeit a bit slower, than simply banning them outright.

    So, I’d probably agree more with the question “Do you think that the Obama Administration is hostile to gun ownership?” more than a simple “Will he ban guns?”

  2. Paul Says:

    1. he will make buying ammo harder. This will also provide a list of people who own guns for later. Although we did have to sign books to buy pistol ammo in the 70’s.

    2. 2nd term? not likely. He will go down as a 1 term president just like Carter. Unless we are living in Revelations, in which case he will not finish his 1st term.

  3. Chas Says:

    He can’t. His presidency is a wreck. He has to salvage it first, before he can build enough political capital to move against guns. His nationalizing healthcare is stalled, he’s dithering over Afghanistan, the economy is dying on his watch after his stimulus failed – the man has bigger issues than guns that he has to resolve or he’s a one termer.

  4. Rabbit Says:

    He’s busier than a cat on the beach trying to fulfill objectives similar to said cat.

    I’d be more suspicious of a Congressional lame duck adding an amendment to some vital bill keeping military funding going than anything, but then, I’ve suggested to my senators and congressman they do the same, only repealing the NFA.


  5. Hypnagogue Says:

    He can’t ban guns until after he finishes banning free enterprise and congressional oversight. After that, things will get smoother. Much smoother.

    Word of the day: Gleichschaltung.

  6. Tomcatshanger Says:

    Remembering my government class, I don’t seem to recall the President generally having the ability to ban guns.

    He could do like good old Bush Sr and ban certain imports, but he’d have to work with Congress to ban anything large scale.

    Of coarse, the political capital they are burning with health care might make next year a freebie year for Congress and Obama.

  7. monkeyfan Says:

    In my area the ‘local’ anti-self-defense trolls have been inundating the media and trying to agitate like never before.

    To my mind it appears Obama and his commissars have just outsourced what we all know they want to do to the local community organizer fishies to shield themselves from potential political fallout. “Wadn’t me. It was the people’s will!” You know the drill.

    Incremental-ism has been their game for years and judging from the sales figures for firearms and ammunition, it sure seems that many Americans know exactly what’s coming down the pike…After all the antis haven’t been at all shy about their intentions to end-round the second amendment to disarm the pesky people.

  8. Firehand Says:

    Let’s not forget the current treaty bullcrap: “I have not enacted any laws to ban or restrict guns; I just signed a treaty that, if ratified, will do the job for me.”

  9. Stranger Says:

    While I was a little young in 1938, Hitler’s gun law was extensively discussed after December 7, ’42. I was old enough then!

    The general take from the Germans and other Europeans was that Hitler had run the German economy so far in the red the only hope was to seize money, property, and the gold out of their teeth from those Shickelgruber blamed for the insults Germany suffered during the Weimar Republic. The Jews, Gypsies, and other “untermenchen.”

    The gun law passed, two days later Kristallnacht came off, and a few days after that the seizures began. When the money ran out a second time Hitler fell back on plan B – invade Poland. And ship the Juden to the camps, stopping any demand for the return of their property.

    Considering that in many ways our economy is in the same condition as the Wiemar Republic’s; the regime’s unstated promise of free houses for the “poor,” free health care for all, and free abortions on demand: plus rigid control of business and of information technology, plus the leader cult, and add in the stated objective of “A civilian defense corps, as well armed and as well funded as the military,” and you find many similarities between today’s America and 1938 Germany.

    So the Kristallnacht scenario could play out here. Given enough muscle in the “civilian defense corps,” and enough weakness in those likely to oppose such legislation.

    2A? Laws are words on paper – to those who choose to disregard the laws.


  10. Lornkanaga Says:

    I agree with Stranger–the man doesn’t want to ban guns, he wants to disarm us to make us dependent upon the government and basically helpless. And, yes, the destruction of our economy is one heck of a way to create enough disorder to give him the opportunity to disarm us.

    Unfortunately, methinks he forgot this is America, and for the most part Americans are *far* from helpless.

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