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Government Property

Court says post office gun ban is not unconstitutional.

5 Responses to “Government Property”

  1. JJR Says:

    I’d like to see David Hardy’s take on this and Dave Kopel’s…

  2. ben Says:


  3. Weer'd Beard Says:

    +1 Ben!

    HATE that law!

  4. Laughingdog Says:

    I love how consistent judges are. On one hand, you have judges that say the 2nd amendment only applies to the federal government. On the other hand, you have other judges that uphold basically every gun ban on federal property that exists.

    So the federal government cannot infringe on your second amendment rights, except that they can any time they want.

  5. straightarrow Says:

    Anybody still think Heller was a gun rights victory?

    Yeah, Laughingdog, that’s exactly what Heller said they could do, they even referenced Heller in their decision.

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