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Barrett May Move?

At the NRA convention, I met Ronnie Barrett of Barrett Rifles. Nice guy. This article says he may move the company out of state due to issues with the Tennessee Department of Transportation:

Barrett wants to widen Miller Lane and extend it by 550 feet, at no cost to the city or county.

Barrett says 4 years ago TDOT agreed to the project, but later changed its mind about allowing use of the public right of way along I-24.

He says, “They responded in writing, yes we’re in favor of this. The fence could be moved so the extension could go forward.”

FOX 17 asked TDOT for a comment but since a lawsuit has been field, state officials say they can’t comment on pending litigation.

Barrett recently completed a $4 million expansion, believing TDOT would allow the roadway extension.

Without it, the building isn’t accessible to commercial vehicles.

9 Responses to “Barrett May Move?”

  1. Pete Says:

    Come on up to Michigan! We have a ton of unemployed engineers.

  2. aeronathan Says:

    A short move south might work well. I’m sure our officials here in Huntsville, AL would love to have another business open up shop…

  3. The Freeholder Says:

    Well I invite them to the Piedmont area of North Carolina. Just create a job for an IT director/test firing dude. đŸ™‚

  4. Heckler and Koch Says:

    Come to Texas!

  5. Chas Says:

    Markie Marxist sez: “My commie compadres in the Tennessee Department of Transportation screwed him up good, didn’t they? Ha! Ha! That’ll teach him to engage in private enterprise. As such, he’s not entitled to the professional courtesy that a government agency would receive. Sometimes I just don’t see how capitalism can continue to function with all that we Marxists do to destroy it.”

  6. Douglas2 Says:

    Here is what it looks like on Google Maps view:,-86.318121&sspn=0.006402,0.013851&g=Miller+Lane+murfreesboro+TN&ie=UTF8&t=h&hq=&hnear=Miller+Ln,+Christiana,+Rutherford,+Tennessee+37037&ll=35.720916,-86.318164&spn=0.006367,0.013851&z=17

  7. Linoge Says:

    *sigh* Way to be stupid, Tennessee.

  8. Lergnom Says:

    Pennsylvania encourages light, clean industry, and except for Phiily and Pit-burgh, it’s gun-friendly.
    Good climate, lots of transportation and raw materials, educated workforce, taxes aren’t too onerous.

  9. Firehand Says:

    Oklahoma; we’d love to have him move it here.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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