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PayPal for guns

GunPal: Like Paypal, only not run by douchebags.

6 Responses to “PayPal for guns”

  1. aczarnowski Says:

    Unfortunately named. While supporting any legal transaction is clearly their differentiation from PayPal, branding themselves that tight to guns is going to limit them long term.

    Having said that, I’ll certainly check them out.

  2. RC Says:

    They can work up several different brandings, each funneling back to the same organization. for bird lovers, for runners/marathoners, for classic car collectors, etc.

    I’m just trying to figure out how to validate the reliability/dependability of this organization. I’ve already signed up for an account and will use it lightly with credit cards that have proven tight fraud control tools until I see how well this place works.

    I dumped Paypal after reading Uncle’s posting and then sending their TOS group a query/statement that I could not accept their restrictions on guns and, anyway, what business does a financial transaction company have including such restrictions. AMEX doesn’t do that. I got back an idiotic and inaccurate email going on about being restricted by law and how the BATFE was working to restrict the ownership of Guns and paypal supports that, yada, yada, yada. Closed the account within the hour of reading that garbage and CC’ed their response into my statement of why I quit them.

  3. Linoge Says:

    I’m just trying to figure out how to validate the reliability/dependability of this organization.

    Wondering about that myself… Some VeriSign (or equivalent) accreditation might be good.

  4. Wanda Says:

    $500 limit each month? And I don’t see anything that says you can use a credit card to pay for items. The only thing I see regarding credit cards is that they want one tied to your account, along with a bank account.

  5. Ben Cannon Says:

    Hi Wanda, the $500 limit is (just like like PayPal) for accounts with only a credit card. Adding a bank account lifts this limit. <- you can click here to see who is behind GUNPAL. Our Verification was carried out by Comodo, and our entire site, all the time, is protected by SSL. I encourage everyone to make their own educated decisions regarding their comfort level, and thank you to the owner of this blog for helping to get the word out!

    -Ben Cannon
    CEO, GUNPAL, Inc.

  6. Linoge Says:

    Whoops, my fault, Mr. Cannon, for missing the Comodo certification… I even skimmed that page and linked to it. Mea culpa.

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