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Where Great Britain Used To Be

We must ban dogs because they are weapons. Weapon dogs? Seriously?

13 Responses to “Where Great Britain Used To Be”

  1. Chas Says:

    Of course, that doesn’t apply to government use of dogs as weapons, so it’s not really about dogs then, is it? It’s about further disarmament of private citizens.

  2. Stormy Dragon Says:

    Maybe they saw the Far Side Cartoon with the doberman launcher.

  3. Bill Smith Says:

    I love how he stresses “American pit bulls” cause it’s obviously the fault of us evil Americans.

  4. DirtCrashr Says:

    If you throw a hot cup of steaming chihuahua at an attacker is it a crime?

  5. Pol Mordreth Says:


    dunno, maybe want to ask the Instapindit…


  6. Pol Mordreth Says:

    wow.. fat fingers ruin a good joke… Instapundit, even….

  7. Justthisguy Says:

    Talk about upside down and backwards! Pit bulls (the real ones) were specifically bred to be harmless to humans, but deadly to other dogs. Why don’t they go after dogs especially bred to go after humans, such as Dobermann Pinschers, German Police Dogs (falsely called German Shepherds) and Rottweilers. The latter three breeds were all invented by Germans, the folks who gave us poison war gasses, flame throwers, aerial bombing of civilians, and daylight savings time.

  8. kaveman Says:

    You guys catch the phrase “bull-types?”

    Kinda like “AK-47 type” rifles.

  9. Mikee Says:

    Far side cartoon:

    Dog sleeping in his doghouse, his arm over a chain saw.
    Salesman ready to open picket fence gate, when farmer inside the gate says, “I wouldn’t do that if I were you. Old Zeke’s liable to start that thing up.”

  10. Kristopher Says:

    Stalin cracked down on mere citizens owning large dogs as well.

    Dogs obey their owners, not the state. They might bite a secret police thug during an arrest.

  11. Justthisguy Says:

    Are English Mastiffs OK there?

  12. Number9 Says:

    Don’t laugh. We are headed that way. Hope and change.

  13. RagnarD Says:

    Number9 – You heard it wrong. It is not “Hope and Change”, it is “Rope and Chains”.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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