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Speaking of Ruger

Mas Ayoob says expect them to make some 1911s soon.

5 Responses to “Speaking of Ruger”

  1. Canthros Says:

    Why not? Seems like everybody else is.

  2. Caleb Says:

    Too bad they’ll probably fill of full of MIM parts, put a magazine disconnect on it, and somehow figure out a way to put an LCI on a 1911.

  3. chris Says:

    I have been waiting (and hoping) for this development for quite a while, but I sure hope that Ruger doesn’t stamp the Gettysburg Address – length legal warning on the side of the frame or slide.

  4. Diomed Says:

    Given Ruger’s recent track record, I don’t see this going well.

  5. Dixie Says:

    Chris, they may do away with a printed safety manual and just stamp it on the slide.

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