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The Droid Manual You’re Looking For

Droid didn’t come with a detailed manual or how to. But you can download one here.

6 Responses to “The Droid Manual You’re Looking For”

  1. Wolfwood Says:

    You’re sure you can’t just stick a screwdriver in it and get it to project the information you need?

  2. Weer'd Beard Says:

    I hope I speak for more than myself, but that Star Wars Meme you’re doing is funny EVERY damn time!

    Thanks for the chuckles, and glad you like your new phone.

    I don’t know how I lived without my smartphone.

  3. Jake Says:

    This looks like a trend with these open Linux phones. My Palm Pre doesn’t really have a detailed manual, either. On the other hand, the online support community is pretty good. You may want to see if you can find an Android forum or two ( popped up at the top of a search, and looks pretty good at first glance).

  4. Jason Says:

    Glad you are liking your Droid. I got one of the G1 phones last year and really like it – great apps, great connectivity and I can access my favorite blogs from anywhere. Takes decent pics and video too.

  5. Mike Says:

    I got rid of my cellphone about a year ago and ever since have been “off the grid” in that aspect. It was more of a cost issue rather than a tinfoil hat issue. You guys with your smart phones make me jealous! I’ll probably end up succumbing to the pressure again sooner or later!

  6. Bigdaddy 2 Says:

    thanks for the help with droid owners manuel.. 100% satisfied. ty ty ty


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