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Novel Way to Repel Pirates

Turns out guns work just fine:

Somali pirates attacked the Maersk Alabama on Wednesday for the second time in seven months, though private guards on board the U.S.-flagged ship repelled the attack with gunfire and a high-decibel noise device.

12 Responses to “Novel Way to Repel Pirates”

  1. Caleb Says:

    “high decibel noise device?” I’d say an AR15 is pretty high decibel.

  2. Dan Says:

    Is not the conventional (anti-gun) wisdom is that pirates react in greater force than what is presented at them? I have heard that they will come back with bigger guns, although I have never seen this theory proven by reality.

  3. D.W. Drang Says:

    No, the AR15 isn’t a high-deicbel noise device.

    The M2HB .50 caliber heavy machine gun, now that’s a high-decibel noise device!

    And when you’re talking Somali pirates, they would probably be even worse shots with “bigger guns.”

  4. mariner Says:

    Imagine that!

    Seagoing criminals react to spirited armed defense pretty much the same as landlubbing criminals.

    Who knew? 😉

  5. comatus Says:

    An Iowa-class man of war, with a bone in her teeth, demonstrating off your coast–now that’s a high-decibel noise device!

  6. JJR Says:

    An elegant 18th century solution to a 21st century problem. Kick ass!

  7. Tomcatshanger Says:

    I wonder what’s louder, a Ma Deuce or a TOW?

  8. Ride Fast Says:

    […] Why pirates don’t screw around with me […]

    Right and ready, since 2000.

  9. Lyle Says:

    Caleb beat me to it, but I’d prefer a .50 BMG, or at least a 30 cal MG. Lather, rinse, repeat until all signs of pirate boat disappear and are replaced by sharks looking for more.

  10. straightarrow Says:

    Who knew? I mean besides all the sane people.

  11. BarnacleofDoom Says:

    Guns repel pirates? I think this post is in need of the “unpossible” tag.

  12. Paul Says:

    ““high decibel noise device?” I’d say an AR15 is pretty high decibel.”

    My feelings exactly. Only it should have been from a Ma-Duce.

    And as Henry Fonda said in, “Once Upon a Time in The West”, “People scare better when they are dieing.” And that’s how to deal with pirates.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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