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Speaking of holier than thou VPs

Who the Hell is driving Biden’s motorcade? Three accidents in six days with one fatality. Get that guy off the road.

ETA: And I mean the drivers, not Biden.

9 Responses to “Speaking of holier than thou VPs”

  1. Justin Buist Says:

    It’s ghost of Ted Kennedy.

  2. Huck Says:

    Get Biden off the road too.

  3. Jake Says:

    If that had happened with Bush or Cheney, I bet the press would be screaming it from the rooftops, and holding them directly responsible. It happens with Biden, and you don’t hear about (except probably locally) until the third accident.

    No, the MSM isn’t biased at all, is it?

  4. Mad Saint Jack Says:

    Imagine if it happened to Sarah Palin…

  5. Flighterdoc Says:

    I understand the drivers were recently from the New Jersey Highway Patrol….

  6. martywd Says:

    Definition of Biden: An accident on it’s way to happening.

  7. JKB Says:

    Last night on the Daily Show, Biden tried to make a lame joke about never driving in NYC with no traffic. I thought it was a bit of salt in the wounds given the disruption these motorcades cause but this makes it a really bad joke.

  8. Chas Says:

    O: I’m taking away all your vehicles. You’ll be riding a horse from now on.

    B: A horse? What if it rains?

    O: If it rains, you can wear a raincoat.

    B: Oh, okay. A raincoat. Yeah, that’ll work. For the rain, right?

    O: Yeah, Joe. For the rain.

  9. B Woodman Says:

    Yeah. Right kind of “raincoat”, no more Biden children to pass his stupid genes to.

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