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Open carry in San Fran.

5 Responses to “OC”

  1. The Packetman Says:

    Actually I think it’s UOC (for Unloaded Open Carry) ….. what’s the point?!

    Unless the state intends for the criminal’s laughter to be an opportunity for escape!

  2. Shootin' Buddy Says:

    Any firearm with a curved magazine in an AK-47.

    Straight mags are “Oozies.”

  3. JJR Says:

    The point is, you could carry a loaded magazine in your back pocket and be good-to-go in a few seconds. Still sucks, but better than nothing. This is OC activism that I support. Of course you can read the usual PSH in the comments section of the article.

    In Texas you can OC long guns w/o a permit, but it’s illegal to OC a handgun unless you’re a cop. I have a CHL, but I’d like the option to OC a handgun someday.

  4. Ride Fast Says:

    It was actually in Santa Clara, though of course no one has ever heard of the place.

    The other thing is we’re open carrying to try and normalize the public to people going forth armed.

    The other, other thing is we do this to entertain the rest of the county. Your welcome.

  5. mariner Says:

    Ride Fast,

    You were there and the SF Chronicle got the facts wrong?

    (Nah, that could never happen.)

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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