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Remington in the handgun market

Shooting Wire says they’ll be making a 1911.

8 Responses to “Remington in the handgun market”

  1. Shootin' Buddy Says:

    About time they came back!

    Now let’s see an 1875 and an 1890 for the cowboy shooters!

  2. Weer'd Beard Says:

    I’m waiting to see Glock throw their hat into the ring.

    Maybe like S&W Re-branding the P99, Walther can brand a 1911 too!

    But not H&K, because people actually would want to SHOOT a 1911!

  3. PhillipC Says:

    I just want a new version of the Model 51 I inherited, so there’s some new parts for it if it ever breaks. Plus I’d buy a new one, because even with the nearly non-existent sights, it is one NICE gun to shoot.

  4. Mikee Says:

    Sure, Remington can make a nice 1911 clone, why not? They can start selling it in 2011, as a Centennial model…

    Glock could come out with a composite-frame 1911, sure, why not? I’m sure it would be “perfect,” and the first model would be available only in 9mm, and would hold 17 rounds in the magazine, and would be invisible in airport x-ray machines.

    I will not be impressed until I can get a 1911 from New England Firearms, ‘cuz I likes me my single shots!

  5. Mike M. Says:

    A 1911 would be a Very Bad Idea. Everybody and his kid brother is making one. Better to revive the Model 51…and follow up with the Model 53 in .45 ACP. The gun the Navy and Marine Corps wanted – but World War I rolled around and they had to settle for 1911s.

  6. Mad Man Says:

    Didn’t they make a run of 1911A1’s during WWII? Seems I remember that, but then again, my memory is suspect this week.

  7. Stranger Says:

    Why a 1911? Why not re-introduce the Remington 51. It holds up very well in comparison with the modern 9mm Kurtz/380ACP’s that are so popular now. So much so that a 51 is my choice to carry for dress up occasions.

    Pederson also made a man size prototype in .45 ACP, the Model 53, and Remington should still have the drawings and the expertise to bring that one to market as well. I have talked to two men who tested the M53, and both said it was far superior to the competition. Including the 1911.


  8. Lyle Says:

    “Now let’s see an 1875 and an 1890 for the cowboy shooters!” What, my 1858 New Model Army doesn’t count? You fancy shmancy youngsters and yer new-fangled metalic cartridges…why, next thing, you’ll want a gun that loads and cocks itself ; )

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