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Helluva warning

A friend of mine who recently went to Jamaica brought back something he bought there:

From Stuff

Smoking apparently causes everything. Ok, then.

17 Responses to “Helluva warning”

  1. Tam Says:

    What, lung tumors weren’t scary enough?

  2. Shootin' Buddy Says:

    Wow, I’d better get a few new suits and shine my shoes to a high shine.

    If I’m going to be impotent, I want to look impotent.

  3. Alcibiades Says:

    That’s why people smoke them *after* sex.

  4. Davidwhitewolf Says:

    Shootin’ Buddy wins the thread, not least because now I can quote his comment while saying “he said it, not me!” That sort of thing’s useful here in Kaliforniastan.

  5. SoupOrMan Says:

    The warning I read on a pack of Marlboros I bought in Ireland about 15 years ago was less a warning and more a mob threat: “You’ll quit smoking if you know what’s good for you.”

  6. RML Says:

    From Jamaica? Wonder if there’s a warning label for the ganja, and if so, what does it say?

  7. comatus Says:

    Hasn’t worked for me yet. Am I doing it wrong?
    addendum: Could it be the menthol? Vicks turns me off.

    RML, if memory serves, it says “Welcome to Jamaica mon, have a nice day.”

  8. TheOtherLarry Says:

    I thought mother’s milk causes everything – I’m so confused!

  9. Boyd Says:

    Smoked for 41 years before I quit a couple of years back. Father of 5.

    For me, not so much.

  10. Matthew Carberry Says:

    Of all of the possible worst case side effects, impotency is second only to “anal leakage”.

    Death is after incontinence, somewhere around #5 or #6.

  11. Tam Says:

    RML, if memory serves, it says “Welcome to Jamaica mon, have a nice day.”


    Only on the 100s. On the kings, it just says “Wendy”. 😉

  12. Fredo Says:

    In vitro and animal studies, and some epidemiological evidence based on volunteers and patients, have supported a link between smoking and ED [erectile dysfunction]. . . These studies indicate that smoking is an independent risk factor for vasculogenic impotence and underline the possibility that smoking may act in a synergistic/additive manner with other risk factors.
    Bortolotti, A., et al., “The Epidemiology of Erectile Dysfuntion and Its Risk Factors,”
    International Journal of Epidemiology 20: 323-334 (1997).

    Xie, Y. et al., “Effect of Long-term Passive Smoking on Erectile Function and Penile Nitric Oxide Synthase in the Rat,” Journal of Urology 157(3):
    1121-26 (March 1997);

    Mannino, D. et al., “Cigarette Smoking: An Independent Risk Factor for Impotence?” American Journal of Epidemiology 140(11): 1003-1008
    (December 1, 1994);

    Feldman, Henry A., et al., “Impotence and Its Medical and Psychosocial Correlates: Results of the Massachusetts Male Aging Study,” Urology 151:
    54-61 (January 1994).

    Mikhailidis, D.P. and J.Y. Jeremy, “Smoking and Erectile Impotence,” International Angiology 12: 297-298 (1993).

    Hirshkowitz, M. et al., “Nocturnal Penile Tumescence in Cigarette Smokers With Erectile Dysfunction,” Urology 39(2): 101-107 (February 1992).

    Shabsigh, R. et al., “Cigarette Smoking and Other Vascular Risk Factors in Vasculogenic Impotence,” Urology 38(3): 227-31 (September 1991).

    Rosen, M.P. et al., “Cigarette Smoking: An Independent Risk Factor for Atherosclerosis in the Hypogastric-Cavernous Arterial Bed of Men with
    Arteriogenic Impotence,” Journal of Urology 145(4): 759-63 (April 1991).

    Forsberg, L. et al. “Severe Arterial Insufficiency in Impotence Confirmed with an Improved Angiographic Technique: the Impact of Smoking and
    Some Other Etiologic Factors” European Urology 16(5): 357-60 (1989).

    Shabsigh, R., et al., “Evaluation of Erectile Impotence,” Urology 32: 83-90 (1988).

    Glina, S. et al. “Impact of Cigarette Smoking on Papaverine-induced Erection. Journal of Urology 140(3): 523-24 (September 1988).

    Juenemann, K.P. et al. “The Effect of Cigarette Smoking on Penile Erection,” Journal of Urology 138(2): 438-41 (August 1987).

    Bornam M.S. et al. “Smoking and Vascular Impotence. A reason for Concern.” South African Medical Journal 70(6): 329-30 (September 13, 1986).
    Condra, M. et al. ”Prevalence and Significance of Tobacco Smoking in Impotence,” Urology 27(6): 495-98 (June 1986).

    Virag, R. et al., “Is Impotence an Arterial Disorder? A Study of Arterial Risk Factors In 440 Impotent Men,” Lancet 26: 181-184 (1985).

    Forsberg, L. et al., “Impotence, Smoking, and Beta-Blocking Drugs,” Fertility and Sterility 31(5): 589-91 (May 1979).

    Golding, J.F. & G.L. Mangan, “Effects of Cigarette Smoking on Measures of Arousal, Response Suppression, and Excitation/Inhibition,”
    International Journal of Addiction 17(5): 793-804 (July 1982).

  13. Tam Says:

    I’d be a lot more likely to quit if the people urging me to do so weren’t such a pack of dull jerks.

  14. Robert Says:

    There are wanna-be cowboys in Jamaica?

  15. comatus Says:

    I’d like to thank the staff of the University of East Anglia for setting us free forever from the dictates of Big Political Science. The CDC and their pack of research whores are going down like the global temperature average.

  16. Dan Says:

    I wonder if they put that warning on the smoking product they are most famous for.

  17. Brother from Another Mother Says:

    Damn, I wanna be impo’tent! Sign this brother up for some menthols.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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