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Quote of the Day

Howard Dean:

So I think the debate for the new generation is instead of capitalism OR socialism is we’re going to have both, and which proportion of each should we have in order to make this all work. It’s a much more sensible debate.

Yet, people think you’re nuts when you bring up the S word.

8 Responses to “Quote of the Day”

  1. Nate Says:

    I didn’t know Howard Dean was a Wookie Suiter too! I’ll have to look for him at our next meeting.

  2. Boyd Says:

    Too late. I already thought he was nuts.

  3. Rivrdog Says:

    This is the European system, simplified down to a few words.

    What’s left out is that the Capitalism involved this unholy alliance in Europe is severely constrained by the Socialists. It really isn’t the Capitalism we know.

  4. monkeyfan Says:

    Unfortunately, Capitalism mixed with Socialism is Fascism.

  5. Diomed Says:

    We’re going to have freedom *and* slavery! It’ll work out well for everyone, I’m sure.

  6. straightarrow Says:

    monkeyfan is absolutely correct.

  7. Fredo Says:

    If we want to honest, the US hasn’t had true capitalism for decades. We have crony capitalism, where the government takes on the risks for big corporations and the rich keep all of the profits. I don’t like socialism, but I seriously doubt it would be worse than our present system. At least with socialism, the top 1% wouldn’t get the lion’s share of the wealth. And while I don’t agree with wealth distribution, I dislike established corporations using government regulations to freeze out competition even more, which is what happens alot in the US.

  8. Phil Says:

    Without me, Howard Dean is nothing but a douche telling me that I have to give up more of my capitalist activities so that he can have more of his socialist activities.

    Doesn’t he know that my capitalist activities have been funding his socialist activities for decades?

    Socialist activities aren’t going to get any cheaper, so how does he propose to pay for them without me being able to expand my capitalist activities?

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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