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Need one for the Droid, please

Taurus has a free shot timer for the iPhone.

4 Responses to “Need one for the Droid, please”

  1. ExUrbanKevin Says:

    Not to rub it in (much 🙂 ) but that’s the second free shot time app for the iPhone: Surefire’s had one for almost a year as well.

  2. Bitter Says:

    Given the potential customer base for the Droid, I would like to see companies announcing apps for the new system as well. Alas, most non-tech marketers just think there’s more buzz with being able to say “iPhone” with their product. Sadly, maybe if they read this Ad Age article, they would know that the chatter about it doesn’t help build brands. Really only apps that facilitate ordering products actually give a decent ROI.

  3. Wolfwood Says:

    Pshh. Easy. Just cut & paste this to some screen:

    “Have you done a shot lately? If not, then it’s time.”

  4. aczarnowski Says:

    Yes please.

    The UI for every dedicated shot timer I’ve seen has been 1980’s horrible. Seriously guys. We’re past the days of three buttons, 20 different input modes, and green screen interfaces.

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