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The Watchmen

Can’t even watch themselves:

Prosecutors don’t understand how a fugitive wanted in New Jersey worked for the Homeland Security Department in Georgia despite a nationwide alert for her arrest.

But let’s put the law-abiding on a list!

8 Responses to “The Watchmen”

  1. rickn8or Says:

    Uh, BACKGROUND CHECKS?? Like when you buy a gun?

  2. dustydog Says:

    There is a huge backlog on background checks, because after January 2009 the govt decided all federal employees need background checks. They started with new hires first, and are working backward in seniority (rather than starting with people in sensitive positions first).

    Actually, running government employees through NCIS is a great idea. Hope you don’t mind if I steal it and submit it, rickn8or? I might win a certificate of appreciation if the idea is adopted.

  3. Ron W Says:

    Yeah, I got put on the Homeland Security list a few years ago when I went to a SS office to get my disabled cousin a new SS card. He saw the clip of my pocketknife on my jeans pocket and told me that was a federal weapons felony. He didn’t charge me (5 yr felony), but did interogate me and told me he was “turning me into to Homeland Security”….so everyone is just a little bit safer now……………NOT!

  4. ParatrooperJJ Says:

    First it is NICS not NCIS. Second, I doubt if any federal agency runs their employees through NCIC on an ongoing basis. The checks are done at the time of hire and during periodic reinvestigations.

  5. straightarrow Says:

    I purport that they did know. She is the kind of person they want working for them. Not too principled and with leverage to be used if the agent decides even she wouldn’t do what she has been ordered to do.

  6. Dr_Mike Says:

    One small correction:

    It’s not that they can’t, it’s that they won’t.

    Remember, they’re just like you and me, only better.

  7. rickn8or Says:

    dustydog– Breathalazer and pee in a bottle for Congresscritters before the vote, while you’re at it.

    Supposedly, the fugitive has been sentenced to… 3 months probation. I don’t know why I bother anymore. I might as well start knocking over liquor stores.

  8. straightarrow Says:

    Well rickn8or. Only if you wish to become a LEO or politician. Otherwise, why go through the training?

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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