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Odd from a man who shares a name with a holster

Nashville Police Chief Ronal Serpas is all butthurt because our state legislators decided to expand gun rights in the state:

I take my hat off to the (National Rifle Association). “They represent a very small percentage of the population and look how much of the political debate they drive.

Sort related:

So, tonight, it occurred to me that I’m going to find some pro-gay piece of legislation and talk the sponsor into sticking some kind of guns-rights clause into it.

Two civil rights bills? Cool.

2 Responses to “Odd from a man who shares a name with a holster”

  1. Jonathan Says:

    The link needs a fix’n.

  2. JKB Says:

    the state constitution clearly states the government is responsible for ensuring the “peace, safety and happiness of the people.”

    Well, this seems to be what the legislature is doing. None of the gun law changes have damaged the peace (outside of the scaremonger of the antis), it is arguably true that they improved the safety of many and they have enhanced the happiness of a lot of people even if by reducing the anxiety of breaking some obscure carry ban area.

    As for combining civil rights bills, they could pass a law requiring that you drop your gun when handling your weapon and vice versa.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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