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With some people, breast cancer isn’t important enough to bypass petty squabbles.

Remember when folks were wetting their pants because someone was auctioning a rifle to benefit breast cancer? Well, now that same mentality is targeting Sen. Joe Lieberman’s wife because he dares to question the wisdom of government run healthcare:

The liberal activists want to see Hadassah Lieberman booted from her position as “Global Ambassador” for the Susan G. Komen for the Cure Foundation.

Komen for the Cure was the same cause guns were being auction for.

One Response to “Amazing”

  1. Dan Zimmerman Says:

    Auctioning a rifle to benefit breast cancer?? Holy crap! I better let the local (STL) Ronald McDonald house know they need to stop raffling off shotguns and other firearms before their annual (very successful) sporting clays shoot. Wouldn’t want to, you know, benefit sick kids in such a crass and non-politically correct way.

    Too bad. Those guns raise a good amount of money for the House. That’s OK, though. Those families don’t really NEED to be near their sick children when they’re in the hospital.

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