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Hats off to that guy

A man in a wheel chair takes a carbine course. Inspiring. Is this a great country, or what?

America, Fuck Yeah

Report, pics and video here.

7 Responses to “Hats off to that guy”

  1. Laughingdog Says:

    Hats off to the guys that gave the training as well. I’m not sure how comfortable I’d feel about trying to train someone in a wheel chair; not because I didn’t think he was capable, but because I wouldn’t feel qualified to deal with those differences.

  2. guy Says:

    “Urban Prone” next to that wall must freaking suck with hot brass.

  3. yj Says:

    I’ve heard of a fire extinguisher and a rolling office chair but….

  4. comatus Says:

    Google National 3-P Any Sight Champion Greg Drown.

  5. Keith Says:

    The greatest of countries. Seeing this really made my day for some reason.

  6. thorn Says:

    A couple of years ago, I was at a local gunshow and noticed a couple of men at a table purchasing a shotgun. One of the men was asking the other the pertinent q/a; the second would give his answer, and the first would fill out the line of info.

    Throughout this, the dealer smiled at them and waited patiently to process the paperwork.

    Normally, this would sound like a straw purchase… except in this case, the reason was due to the fact that the second man had no hands whatsoever, nor any prosthetics.

    I wondered at the time how he would possibly fire his new shotgun, but in the end I decided it didn’t matter; what was nice about it was that he wanted that weapon, and was able to purchase it.

  7. Linoge Says:

    Wow. One hell of an after-action report, and one hell of an effort put out, not only by the dude in the chair, but also by the folks running the course. A job well done by all parties, and not a small amount of inspiration at that…

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