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Kinda funny. Most politicians want endorsements. Except when they come from The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Ownership. Reid’s opponent denies it and says it’s part of a dirty campaign tactic meant to discredit him, since “a Brady call in Nevada is not a positive call.”

Harry Reid, for all his faults, is good on guns. And is probably why gun control bills don’t even make it to the floor.

3 Responses to “Endorsements”

  1. emdfl Says:

    When harry and his ilk finish destroying the country, whatever his position is on guns won’t mean a damn thing.

  2. Rivrdog Says:

    Classify under: “Politics makes strange bedfellows”

  3. Kristopher Says:

    Reid wants to stay elected. Union miner’s and service worker’s votes will only go so far in NV.

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