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You are nuts

And if you want to put your critics in jail, you shouldn’t hold office.

6 Responses to “You are nuts”

  1. Weer'd Beard Says:

    AKA: “What if an Internet Troll Held Public Office…”

    Hopefully the good people of Florida will realize what a dumb move it was electing this boob and toss him on his ass.

  2. Spook45 Says:

    HERE HERE!! To be quite truthful, most of them are just casual criminals anyway. This one, who endevors to stiffle free speech is the worst of the worst. I agree, not only should he not hold office he should not be ALLOWED to hold office. In the end, everyone of these traitorous scumbags who votes against the Constitutioon and our way of Govt should be tried and Hanged if convicted.

  3. comatus Says:

    See ch. 54, 1 Stat. 566. And that was the Federalists!

    Like the Reid supermajority, “it’s Constitutional.”
    There is nothing cruel or unusual about a pitchfork.

  4. B Woodman Says:

    Simple solution to most problems, very few tools needed:
    1) Tall tree
    2) Short rope

  5. tjbbpgobIII Says:

    If they plan to jail all of us who don’t buy their MF insurance, they better build some big jails and plenty of them.

  6. M4Finny Says:

    FU&K this jack-bag!

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