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Quote of the day

Dave Barry:

As a result Washington, rejecting “business as usual,” finally stopped trying to solve every problem by throwing billions of taxpayer dollars at it and instead started trying to solve every problem by throwing trillions of taxpayer dollars at it.

2 Responses to “Quote of the day”

  1. Justthisguy Says:

    Only those who must live in the crazyness which is Southern FL can properly appreciate the slightly lesser crazyness of the rest of the USA, and the batshit-insane dangerous lunacy of all those furriners.

  2. divemedic Says:

    Dave Barry:

    BAD NEWS: The downward spiral of the newspaper industry continued, resulting in the firings of thousands of experienced reporters and an apparently permanent deterioration in the quality of American journalism.

    Me: Deterioration? For the last 20 years (or more?) American jounalism has been the disinformation wing of the socialist party.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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