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California Microstamping Law Not In Effect

A reminder from NSSF that since the technology is patented, it’s not quite a go.

3 Responses to “California Microstamping Law Not In Effect”

  1. DirtCrashr Says:

    The retards in Sacramento have an illiberal view of our Constitution and Laws and believe a majority allows them to function as a Dictatorship of the Assembly.
    They don’t seem to understand how Laws work whether it’s California or elsewhere – you can’t pass a law with a patented element so insturmental like that, even if it makes your friend rich and he pays your campaign costs…

  2. Spook45 Says:

    You know, they tried this crap in several other states including TN. My natural reaction was to go buy a hot pot and bullet molds for all of my handguns. Not only can produce quality bullets from junk(tire wheights, old sinkers, plumbers lead etc) but its sort of a joy to produce your own stuff and get good results. This does however go hand in hand with handloading, no pun intended. when they pass stupid laws that wont woork, go around them and then…….VOTE THE BASTARDS OUT! BUY MORE AMMO

  3. Diomed Says:

    Except the more recent versions of the law have put heavy restrictions on handloading as well.

    They’re stupid but they can adapt.

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