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Muncie Star equates gun owners with child molesters

What media bias?

I don’t think they’re advocating denying permits to Muslims but want to make sure the police don’t.

4 Responses to “Muncie Star equates gun owners with child molesters”

  1. Caleb Says:

    My edit-fu was faster than your link-fu.

  2. Mu Says:

    And right they are, contact with a child molester you can get therapy for, contact with a gun owner and you might become one yourself, damaged for life 😉

  3. Stranger Says:

    The Muncie Star is a Gannett rag (Gannett, French variation of the name of a large seabird noted for making large deposits of high grade fertilizer) and the line follows the Al Neuharth line on guns. “It’s fine for the guards at my gate to have guns but no one else should have them.”

    Curiously, I see the M* comments are down. The detnews, clarionledger, towntalk, and other Gannett sites opinion pages are up, so I assume the gun cranks have overloaded their circuits.

    If the experience of other Gannett editors who have tried publishing CCW permitees data is any indication, the M* ed will spend a night with his ears burning.

    As will a few of the M*’s advertisers. And in a few days the advertising manager’s ulcers will act up.

    Sock it to ’em!


  4. rickn8or Says:

    Same deal at Memphis Commercial Appeal (Scripps)

    Forty seconds and with the assistance of whitepages dot com, I can find myself.

    Which is why I quit reading it

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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