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We need good villains

I’ve said before that the movie Pocahontas err Fern Gully err Dances with Wolves err Avatar was terribly average. It was really well done visually but totally predictable. It’s apparently also racist. Remember, Hollywood used to make movies where the bad guys were able to be identified by race. And the bad guys were hated. You know, Indians were bad guys in cowboy flicks. So were olive-skinned guys in movies about terrorists, black guys in movies about street crime, Russians in the cold war, Germans in WW2 flicks, etc. But this only worked when you needed a group of bad guys and not just one. And then the PC kicked in. Then Hollywood had to start going off planet to get bad guys with films like Independence Day and others. Avatar makes the human race the bad guys. Guess that’s racist. No more group bad guys, I guess.

Meanwhile, a group of idiots is getting suicidal because they want to live in the movie Avatar. Ok, then.

3 Responses to “We need good villains”

  1. Boyd Says:

    Survival of the fittest, chlorination of the gene pool, etc. Not a bad thing.

  2. Monty Says:

    I think part of the problem with hollywood is they constantly rely on plot twists to try to keep the audience engaged. The problem with that is, once you have seen the movie once, those plot twists usually loose much of thier value (not always).

    What Avatar shows is that if you tell an interesting story, and throw in awsome CG, people will go back and see a predictable movie multiple times. It shows that constant plot twists aren’t necessary to keep an audience engaged.

  3. Kristopher Says:

    Little do they know, that if they kill themselves trying to get to Navi, they’ll end up in Warsong Gulch, or Wintergrasp, getting ganked over and over again by PvP a-holes who keep saying things like “PWND, you n00btard!”

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