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Chicks and guns

Uptick in sales to women at NC gun store.

5 Responses to “Chicks and guns”

  1. Thibodeaux Says:

    They were talking about the serial rapist on the radio here the other day. The radio claimed police were advising women to “lock their doors and turn on their alarm systems.” And I yelled at the radio: “What about ‘buy a gun???'”

    Also interesting, from the article: “If you have a weapon they can take it from you,” said Fayetteville resident Jennifer Hall. “It’s too easy for them to use the weapon on you….”

    Let’s hope the rapist decides to arm himself. That way, his victims can take his weapon and use it on him.

  2. Mikee Says:

    Not to make light of a serious issue, but I thought the conventional wisdom was that women were just straw purchasers for drug cartels or felons. And that was not even mentioned in this story! Lousy, lazy, incomplete reporting, as usual….

  3. clamp Says:

    I’m going to take the Glock 19 away from my wife so it is not used against her. I’ll tell her to bite her way out of an attack, like a dog, like a female dog, you know, like a bitch.

    Yes, this is a better way for her to defend herself and my 3 children. THINK ABOUT THE CHILDREN!

  4. comatus Says:

    I don’t want to be the guy who says “You’re doing it wrong,” but that is the first time I have ever seen a rapist referred to as “working an area.” In crime reporting, that term was always used for scam artists, confidence men and pickpockets.

  5. chris Says:

    “Some are buying firearms. A lot are buying Tazers,” said Chris.

    I hope the store is telling them that they cannot carry them in their purse. In NC, you may not conceal ANY weapon other than a pistol with a license.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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