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Just in time for SHOT

Robinson Arms sues Remington, Bushmaster, Rock River Arms, and Magpul Industries over some patents.

4 Responses to “Just in time for SHOT”

  1. Kristopher Says:

    I guess they are suing over the left-handed finger release gadget … the rest of it looks like a pretty standard AR mag release button.

  2. Fred Says:

    That’s where I’m confused. “All of these weapons feature a magazine release that is manipulated by the trigger finger from within reach of the trigger guard” sounds like they should be suing every AR manufacturer out there… along with a number of other gun types. Or is there some magic that makes it special when your gun has a bolt release inside the trigger guard too?

  3. Skipelec Says:

    Did they include Hizzonor Browning in the suit?

  4. Mark Says:

    Robinson Arms is sure to make a lot of friends with this one.

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