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Amend the first amendment

Good luck with that:

Public Citizen will aggressively work in support of a constitutional amendment specifying that for-profit corporations are not entitled to First Amendment protections, except for freedom of the press.

4 Responses to “Amend the first amendment”

  1. Chas Says:

    Public Enslaved Citizen will aggressively work in support of a constitutional amendment specifying that non-Marxist, capitalist organizations are not entitled to First Amendment protections, except for freedom of our fellow communists in the press.

  2. mariner Says:

    I’d actually support that.

    I believe one of the mileposts on the way to the hell we’re in today was the Supreme Court decision that corporations have all the same rights as flesh-and-blood people.

  3. Hypnagogue Says:

    Except freedom of the press? That’s pretty much the only 1st Amendment right a corporation is physically capable of exercising! Speech, assembly, all require a physical body. Or are they advocating the establishment of a state religion for corporations?

    Morons on parade.

  4. Lyle Says:

    Sorry guys; if a corporation doesn’t have flesh and blood, neither does a union, a club, an organization, a co-op, a political party, a news service, a committee, or…well, you get the point.

    A corporation consists of people and nothing else, unless we’ve been allowing fish or aliens to form them, serve on the boards, and/or buy stock recently. If you have rights as a individual, you certainly retain them as part of a group. No? Or does the fact that I’m a major shareholder in two corporations make me non-human and therefore without rights? Come here and say that.

    But maybe you were joking and I missed the joke.

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