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On 9/11: If they can make Avatar, they can make anything

Not some Truther. But the former PM of Malaysia.

2 Responses to “Conspiracy”

  1. Chas Says:

    I thought that the presence of that Barack job in the White House was supposed to prevent Muslims from making such outrageous assertions against the United States. Haven’t they heard that his daddy was a Muslim?
    Mahathir’s outlandish and surreal claim that the movie “Avatar” demonstrates how 9/11 was staged to justify attacks on Islamic countries demonstrates instead the dangerous level of pathological paranoia that exists at the highest levels among Muslims.
    Can we afford to continue to try to co-exist with people who are so dangerously irrational and such an ongoing danger to us? What about after Obama allows Iran, where people routinely chant “death to America” in the streets, to acquire the bomb?
    Radical Muslims and the Democratic Party both endanger the lives of Americans. We need to deal effectively with both threats because they are both potentially lethal to millions of Americans. Obama must be voted out of office. Would-be Islamic terrorists must be hunted down and efficiently dispatched wherever they are – before they blow our airliners out of the sky, anywhere.
    President Pussyfoot doesn’t have the courage to do his job. He must be replaced.

  2. Guav Says:

    Mahathir apparently didn’t get the memo that 9/11 wasn’t a movie, and that some of us were actually there. And like, saw it happen in person, not on TV.

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