Archive for January, 2010

January 27, 2010

Been legitimized for a while

This year at SHOT, like last year and the one before, shows how popular the AR-15 is.


Gun markets of Pakistan.

That’s racist

The Violence Policy Center’s Josh Sugarmann wants to disarm blacks:

Successful efforts to reduce America’s black homicide toll must put a focus on reducing access to firearms.

That was the point of gun control from the beginning.

Via TP, who notes:

Since over 90% of African Americans murdered are murdered by other African Americans, Sugarmann’s best idea is to return to the days when laws disarming blacks was the norm.

Some more on NRA and the Chicago Gun Case

Brian Doherty has a look at the issue:

All those nervous about the radical and expansive arguments to incorporate the Second Amendment on states and localities through the long-moribund Privileges or Immunities Clause of the 14th Amendment that Alan Gura will be making before the Supreme Court in the upcoming McDonald v. Chicago case can relax a little.

Ilya Shapiro:

NRA Cares More about NRA Than Gun Rights, Liberty, Professional Courtesy

Media at SHOT

NSSF has a look

Future overlords

31 years ago, the first human was killed by a robot.

the most trusted name in news

Is actually Fox News.

Things people think I’ll do because I like Heavy Metal


AAC Brakeout

A new and very functional muzzle attachment from Advanced Armament.

Gun Porn

Sig Slim Grips – Fail

Arsenal’s Short Barreled Rifles

KRISS Pistol

Pink STI

Troy Rapid Adjust Front Sight


Google Reader to now follow websites that don’t have RSS feeds. I’m sure someone will sue them over this.

Guess they’re tired

Kinda quiet in the gun world. At least, politically. Too quiet.

I guess with SHOT, most folks are focusing on actual guns and not politics.

New Media

Newsday goes subscriber only. Gets 35 subscribers in three months. Good way to waste $4M.

Need A Job

The Brady Campaign is hiring. Of course, it’s unpaid. And it’s also not at all grassroots.


Verne Smith: Don’t know why those dumb, cousin-humping rednecks don’t like me.

Oh please, Bart Simpson is like 31 years old now

Simpsons porn lands man on sex offender list.

Walgreens Anti-Gun?

They won’t develop pictures that have guns in them? Well, it is New Jersey.

January 26, 2010

Shoot First, Blog Later: Roger, Breitbart & Top Web Journos Go Shooting With Texas Gov. Rick Perry

Video here.

Update: At about 3:30, we see the governor is a fan of Crimson Trace Laser Grips. I concur.

New from ParaUSA

The GI Expert in stainless.


The local news reported this story as a case of pre-empted Sudden Jihad Syndrome. ABC news, not so much. Appears cops found him and he had a rifle tucked under his coat. Also, I find this a bit odd:

Forrest said the rifle Woodson was carrying had a defaced serial number and had been altered to fire .50-caliber ammunition.

So, he had one of those 50 Beowulf uppers on his AR? After all, doubt he’d be able to fit one of those 50 cal, single shots under there.

Parrots repeat

The president set up the presidential podium and teleprompters. To speak to a 6th grade class. Jon Stewart makes fun.

There’s a blog for everything

A blog of stuff you can make from paracord.

Gen 4 Glock in 45GAP

Interesting. Florida Highway Patrol wanted the new Glocks in 45. But the Gen4 models were only available in 40 and 9mm. So, Glock agreed to do a special run of pistols in 45GAP.

NRA Motion for time in the Chicago Gun Case

Short version: People say Hey, Uncle, what the Hell is all that about? And I say Well, NRA feeling a bit left behind after Heller, is trying to get a little credit here.

Folks are wondering what this is all about. And, no, it’s not about any sort of conspiratorial enemy action. It’s about credit. And NRA wants some since gun rights are their issue. The tried to stop Heller (back when it was Parker) with their own case for, what I thought, were valid reasons (i.e., they didn’t have the votes on the court). But this looks like showboating and trying ride Alan Gura’s coattails.

The NRA is using Paul Clement to argue the case. He’s the former Solicitor General who argued for the United States that the D.C. handgun ban was not necessarily unconstitutional. To which Alan Gura brings the snark:

I hope that this time Paul understands that handgun bans are unconstitutional.

Well played.

Update: Another view from Anon Reader Dude in comments:

The thing is, Gura is more of a libertarian crusader than a gun guy, and his brief did, in fact, devote only a few pages to the Due Process Clause argument for incorporating the Second Amendment against the states — even though that is the easiest, most straightforward path to victory for gun rights. There are some Justices whose votes we need in McDonald that are unlikely to go along with Gura’s Privileges or Immunities argument, but who may be very interested in a Due Process-based argument.

NRA intervened in order to make sure the Due Process argument is fully and sympathetically presented at oral argument. Perfectly legitimate and appropriate move.

I have heard this paraphrased before as: NRA wants to save gun rights. Gura wants to save the republic.

One would think you can’t get a DUI without the D

But, apparently, you can be ticketed for being hammered in an inoperable vehicle.

Animal Rights

Tech Paladin:

Animals can’t have rights because rights are (1) mutually agreed-upon societal constructions that are (2) understood by and enforceable against the bound parties. Not only are animals bereft of an empowered third party to enforce these hypothetical rights, but there isn’t even any type of mutual agreement that certain behavior is malicious and wrong in the first place! For example, humans believe that killing without provocation is wrong; animals don’t, and can’t, or else all the carnivores would starve.

Gun Porn

Suppressed 9mm AR.

Homemade Shielded Weapon System. Well, why not.

Hard to find

LuckyGunner ammo now selling primers.

Bills in TN

Humphrey looks at some of the bills winding their way through the TN legislature. There’s one to ban ownership of dangerous dogs by convicted felons. Because, you know, that will accomplish. And there’s a lot more stupid bills there.

Makes you wonder if they’re just out of crap to do. I mean, we got the big crimes covered already. Murder, stealing, and all that is already illegal. They must need something to make them feel they’re not just wasting time.

Tactical Pens – Again

I reviewed the S&W TacPen here. Steve in TN says Zebra pens are the way to go.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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