Realisticly and Constitutionaly, we need NO gun laws. The Vermont Premise is the best gun law in the country. They basicly deffer to the Constitution so there is no issue about carruing guns, owning guns using guns, the only time they cross that bear is when a gun is used in a crime. Funny, thats probly how it should be and if it was that way, there would be a lots less BS around the whole gun issue.
February 1st, 2010 at 3:05 pm
Realisticly and Constitutionaly, we need NO gun laws. The Vermont Premise is the best gun law in the country. They basicly deffer to the Constitution so there is no issue about carruing guns, owning guns using guns, the only time they cross that bear is when a gun is used in a crime. Funny, thats probly how it should be and if it was that way, there would be a lots less BS around the whole gun issue.
February 1st, 2010 at 5:35 pm
Vermont’s great unless you want to have a silencer to go with your gun.
Nobody’s perfect.