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We’re the only ones providing for the needy enough

Policeman cites a shoplifter, who says he’s having hard times and has to steal food and school supplies for his kids. Policeman gets his address and takes the guy some food.

8 Responses to “We’re the only ones providing for the needy enough”

  1. The Packetman Says:

    Sounds like one of the ‘Onliest Ones’ out there.

  2. Dan Says:

    Nice to hear stories like this once in a while.

  3. Brian Saul Says:

    I sent a thank you to the Gentleman. the least I could do, it is refreshing to hear a good dead being done by a man in blue after hearing so many stories of over stepping.

  4. Brian Saul Says:


  5. straightarrow Says:

    As young as he is, he is of the old school and a credit to his city, his force, and humanity.

  6. Jay G. Says:

    Clone him… Him and Matt G. and LawDog.

  7. Azul Says:

    Nice cop. But kindness wasted on a thief.

  8. Kristopher Says:

    Azul: Forgive exactly once.

    If he steals again, throw the book at him.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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