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Glock Test

Man buries Glock. Pulls it out ground, washes it with water, and fires it:

4 Responses to “Glock Test”

  1. pdb Says:

    I think those guys should spend less time planting Glock crops and more time at gun school. Saw a couple tea cups, some bowling, some fishing, lots of trigger slapping and a ton of indecisive gunhandling.

    A neat video otherwise, though naturally a sample of one doesn’t tell you an awful lot.

  2. Mikee Says:

    This is a meaningless test. The pistol was dug up, field stripped (at least – maybe detail stripped, as the video is unclear on that point)and then reassembled, loaded and fired.

    This demonstrates that rusty old Glocks will fire, and demonstrates nothing else about the pistol.

    I have a rusty old Mosin 44 that is dated 1943 that will fire also. Doesn’t mean that I would trust it to fire on the next trigger pull.

  3. Jeff the Baptist Says:

    One of the gunmags did something like this with bargain bin 1911s (RIA and something else) a while back. They worked too.

  4. M4Finny Says:

    Waste of ammunition and time. Amounts to a few You Tube media whores adding to the plethora of other useless jack-ass styled videos. I carry a firearm and take very good care of it because I may need it to take care of me someday. What? Is this some kind of “proof” that one can neglect housekeeping duties after going to the range? Stupid …. and no need to go into the poor handling and shooting techniques of these jag-offs as PDB already covered it.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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